Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Perseverance Secures Your Lives

"By your perseverance you will secure your lives.”
(Luke 21:19)

Perseverance is the quality that allows someone to continue trying to do something even though it is difficult. It is a continued effort to do or achieve something despite difficulties, failure, or opposition. It is synonymous to steadfastness.

God speaks of the very work and business that He has entrusted to me. He knows that I am a little bit worried about the continued decrease of our savings. I have targeted and prayed to reach the million mark by the end of the year and I am now in the last leg or stretch of the ballgame. Instead of nearing and reaching my goal, I seem to slide back to the starting line.

Although I am looking forward to a windfall of transactions as evidenced by the successive schedule of Bidding where my clients participated and won, I still base my security of life on the "financial liquidity" so to speak. I feel secured each time I see that my savings account registers a big amount.

Today, the Lord opened my eyes to the truth that my security does not depend on the big amount of resources that I have but rather on my perseverance to do the works that He has entrusted under my care.

Go! God will Provide

In the realm where divine control resides, Where His love, in every moment, abides. He's with us always, in every stride, Caring, provid...